Michelle Parks
My name is Michelle Parks and together with my husband Scott and two beautiful children we have lived, worked and played in Sarnia our entire lives. I am so pleased to join EXIT Realty Twin Bridges, an award winning real estate brokerage in Sarnia Ontario. Delivering exceptional service to the Sarnia-Lambton community since 2007 we are home to an amazing, diverse team of Realtors®. EXIT Realty Twin Bridges is selling Sarnia-Lambton! I have worked hard in my previous roles mainly in marketing, public relations and as a facilitator. I am very involved in our community serving as a trustee with the St. Clair Catholic District School Board for twelve years I work passionately on many local boards and committees to try to do my part in bettering the Sarnia area, including: The Sarnia Lambton Suicide Prevention Committee, The Special Education Advisory Committee WES for Youth Online Talk For Tamara Bluewater Health Foundation I am also one of the founders of Tampon Tuesday Sarnia Lambton which has collected close to 6000 menstrual products for the Inn of The Good Shepherd food bank. I am proud to say that this involvement led to me be named one of Sarnia?s Women of the Year in 2019 and a Mayors Honor List winner in 2022. In my spare time, I love traveling and attending concerts and spending quality time with my family and friends. As a Realtor, I hope to provide the same excellent and friendly service to my future clients. I want to assure everyone that I am very reliable, trustworthy and committed to making their experience in buying and selling their home as joyful as possible. I am truly grateful to my amazing family and great circle of friends who have supported me through everything and who are so excited for me to make my dreams come true in the Real Estate Industry!